Tuesday, February 10, 2009

For Sebastian Lovato!

For those of you who are not on Jonas Secrets, Sebs is a guy creeper who is in L-O-V-E with Demi. He reminded me that I haven't done my "Sonny With a Chance" review like I promised. So Sebs this is for you. (:

The show I thought was completely cute! I love the fact that JMan from Camp Rock is in it. The sketches they come up with are actually pretty funny, just because they're stupid haha. Demi looked so cute on the premiere, although I think it was unfair to her to have it on the same day as the Grammy's. Back to Demi, she's a very good actor and I love all the characters. Chad Dylan Cooper was my favorite though, he's just so dramatically funny.
sonny with a chance Pictures, Images and Photos
Sebastian, Demi wants your bod.

BTW, Demi's Deluxe Edition of "Don't Forget", GO BUY IT!
Demi lovato deluxe edition don't forget Pictures, Images and Photos